Before men were given life and before Odin's two ravens, there were Freki and Geri. Odin created two mythical wolves, a female and a male, to keep him company in the Pantheon of Viking Gods and to ...

Sköll and Hati are the offspring of an old giant who gives birth to wolf-like giants in a forest east of Miðgarð called Járnviðr. In Norse mythology, Hati and Skoll are the two wolves that chase re...

The mighty giant wolf of the Nordic myths, Fenrir (also known as Fenris wolf) is the one who will trigger Ragnarök, the end of the world. Fenrir's crimes in Scandinavian mythology are countless. Hi...

In northern mythology the wolf is a symbol of savagery and voracity, and more particularly an emblem of power and strength. During Viking age, warriors’ tribes wore wolf skin as symbol of their pow...